Preventive Pest Control

6 Scary Bugs Found in Phoenix, Arizona

pest control phoenix

They may be big; they may be ugly; yet, for the most part, the diverse insect landscape that sweeps through Arizona is harmless. Of course, knowing that doesn’t mean you want a candlelight introduction. To the contrary, seeing one scurry across your floor or flutter by your head is often enough to induce shrieks and irrational behavior in otherwise calm adults. Here’s a guide to the rather eclectic critters that residents in Phoenix may find themselves facing and some insight into whether you have cause to worry.

Bringing the “Pest” to “Pest Control Phoenix”

Based on the number of phone calls made to pest control services across the country, Arizona carries the title of “Most Buggy” state. While the following bugs can best be described as pests, they really are harmless.

When You Need the Best Pest Control in Phoenix

So far, we’ve covered some harmless critters. Now it’s time to delve into the bugs and pests that should cause alarm. If these not-so-furry friends make an appearance at your house or business, it’s time to call the professionals.

Best Defense Pest Control Services Near Me

Whether you’re dealing with ticks, mosquitos, bees or scorpions, you need the best pest control in Phoenix. When you’re ready to be done with the bugs, contact Preventive Pest Control Services.


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