Preventive Pest Control

6 Tips for Preventing Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs are becoming a larger problem in many places, and you have probably dealt with them at least once. Here are seven ways to prevent them and hold them off until you can call a pest control specialist to wipe them out for good.

Change Your Bedsheets Every Three Days

Make sure that you change your bedsheets at least once every three days. As you come into and out of your home during the normal course of a day, everything that comes into your house eventually ends up on your bed. Get rid of it by washing the final destination of those pests and pollen often.

Wash Your Bedclothes at High Temperatures

When you wash your bedsheets, wash them at high temperatures. Hot temperatures kill everything including bed bugs and the food sources that allow them to procreate quickly within your bedframe and on your sheets.

Stay Out of Cheap Motels When Traveling

Spending a bit more money for a hotel that takes care of its beds is essential to keeping your own bed free of pests. Bed bugs are quite capable of traveling, and if you catch bed bugs in an out of town motel, you can bring them back to your own bed very quickly. Why do you think the tourist town of Las Vegas has one of the largest bed bug problems in the US?

Check Your Clothes After Every Out of Town Trip

Your clothes can catch bed bugs as well, and you deliver them into your home as you pack them in your suitcase. Wash clothes before you leave town (in hot water).

Use Lavender Oil on Your Bed Frame

Lavender oil is a wonderful deterrent when a few drops are added across the bed frame corners.

Vacuum Your House Weekly

Bed bugs can find their way into your furniture and rugs as well as your bed. Vacuum  at least once weekly, especially if there is a lot of traffic in and out of your house.

Preventive Pest Control is your one stop shop for bed bug control. Give Preventive Pest Control a call when you are ready to end your bed bug problem once and for all.

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