10 Things You Didn’t Know About Kissing Bugs

Kissing Bug

When you’re making efforts to prevent Chagas disease, it’s important to learn about the characteristics of kissing bugs. The following are 10 important facts your should be aware of to stay healthy:

  1. Kissing bugs- and Chagas disease- are most commonly seen in Latin America- Those living in Latin America and the southern United States need to be particularly aware.
  2. Chagas – the potentially lethal infection spread by kissing bugs- kills around 11,000 people every year- It’s important not to underestimate the dangers posed by this insect.
  3. Kissing bugs are most likely to bite people on the face- Because they are nocturnal, these insects typically bite people who are sleeping. They are known for biting parts of the body that are left exposed above blankets during sleep.
  4. Scratching or picking at bites increases chances of contracting Chagas – Even if you are bitten by an infected insect, you will not contract Chagas disease unless the parasite that causes it- Trypanosoma cruzi- is able to enter your body through a scratch or your mucus membranes. You should therefore avoid scratching or rubbing bites.
  5. These insects are attracted by the smell of food- Triatominae have a very keen sense of smell. Taking care to avoid leaving pungent foods out can help you avoid attracting them.
  6. These bugs are nocturnal insects- You’re unlikely to be bit by a kissing bug during the daytime.
  7. A kissing bug bite does not usually result in illness- Even if you are bit by an infected insect, you will not contract Chagas disease unless the parasite is able to penetrate your skin.
  8. Kissing bugs tend to hang out under porches, in wood piles, or in animals homes/burrows- You should check yourself for insects on your body after you have put yourself in such an environment.
  9. These bugs typically appear flat and are a little under an inch long- Being able to recognize this type of insect can help individuals to prevent bites.
  10. Chagas is passed by the insect’s feces- A bite alone is not enough to spread the infection. Chagas disease is only spread when the bug defecates and contaminated feces enter the bloodstream through a wound or orifice.

Protect your home from kissing bug infestation. Call Preventive Pest Control for safe and effective kissing bug control.


Photo by Dick Culbert from Gibsons, B.C., Canada (Triatominae subfamily) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons / resized from original