Dealing With Birds Around Your Home

bird controlBirds as Pests – Dangers and Solutions

Typically when people think of pests, they imagine various kinds of bugs. However, as many homeowners have had the sad occasion to discover, birds can also be pests. Depending on the species and the number of birds you’re dealing with, the severity of the problem can
range from annoying to life-threatening.


Bird infestations present a number of dangers to people and property. Disease is a serious risk, as pest birds have been associated with a number of serious illnesses. These include among others West Nile, salmonellosis, candidiadis, and histoplasmosis. Birds can also carry a variety of other pests, including fleas, mites, ticks, and lice, which themselves pose a substantial public health risk.

More directly, birds can also be aggressive and, in large numbers, potentially dangerous. This is especially true during the breeding season when they have nests and young to protect. Birds can also cause physical damage to your property. Bird guano is corrosive and will eat away at metals, wiring, and shingles, while nest-building can dislodge roof tiles, block gutters, or block air intakes.

What is there to be done?pigeon control

Like other nuisance pests, birds can be controlled using several approaches, and the best way to go will be evaluated by Preventative Pest Control’s superbly-trained agents. Generally speaking, the best way to deal with birds is to discourage or redirect them rather than to kill them, which can be hazardous, unpleasant, and occasionally legally problematic. Some countermeasures are species-specific, so our first order of business is to establish what kinds of birds are giving you problems. Once the species has been nailed down, the next concern is tracking and isolating their favorite locations on or near your home.

Once we have established the areas frequented by pest birds, countermeasures can be deployed. Bird spikes can deter roosting or nesting on high areas, while bird netting can prevent birds from even entering their favorite areas. For scenic or aesthetically-valuable areas, virtually-invisible birding wire can serve much the same function. Beyond physical deterrents, one can also deploy otherwise harmless bird repellents. These sprays and gels, carefully placed and largely undetectable by anyone other than a bird, give off unpleasant odors, induce nasty tastes to the vegetation, and render their footing slippery and unpleasant. Once we have rendered the area unfit for bird habitation, your pesky bird problem will be a thing of the past!

With Preventative Pest Control, your first cleanout is only a dollar, so there’s no risk! Our excellent technicians are dedicated to solving any and all of your pest-control problems, so reach out to us today via phone, fax, or e-mail!