Natural Flea and Tick Control Critical To U.S. Medical Community
Flea and tick-borne illnesses have long been a major concern to the Southwestern U.S. medical community. In 1896, a doctor in Snake River Valley, Idaho reported the first U.S. case of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). However, the Southwestern state of Arizona now holds record for the most cases reported throughout the U.S. Maladies that accompany ticks and fleas can produce serious and even fatal consequences.
Fighting ticks and fleas is a serious problem, and an old problem.
Sixteen years ago, Texas Lieutenant Governor, Rick Perry, issued orders for a statewide study of the prevalence of tick-borne illnesses in Texas. The focus of the study examined issues relating to prevention and treatment. In consequence, the Senate Committee on Administration issued the following recommendation:
Public medical and nursing schools, residency programs, and continuing medical education courses are to include accurate tick-borne illness information as part of the standard educational curriculum.
In this article, Preventive Pest control offers pointers toward flea and tick control for yard and home.
How To Control Ticks And Fleas Disease Problems Via Education
Education and public awareness provide the essential components for reliable Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. However, the process of natural flea and tick control must be collaborative involving the resources of:
- The general public
- Concerned health care professionals
- Local youth groups
- Regional municipalities
- Neighbor veterinarians
- AND the services of reliable local pest control companies.
Battling ticks and fleas, and the associated diseases, is just too complex a problem for a singular solution. Concerned pest control companies establish partnerships within the community. Preventative control involves client education on:
- How to identify the habitats of ticks and fleas
- How to identify types of pests
- Proactive defense rather than reactive responses
- Prompt correction of home environments that promote flea and tick habitation
- Rapid response to and proper removal of attached ticks
- Up-to-date awareness of shifts in local ecological changes that may increase rodent populations, the spread of deer ticks, and promote an increase in disease-bearing fleas.
For best flea and tick control around your home, get involved. Get educated. Learn the warning signs of tick-related and flea-related diseases.
Best Flea And Tick Control
Reducing local pests populations still remains the best way to prevent flea or tick related diseases. From Texas to California, Preventive Pest Control offers access to nine locally owned and operated locations. Whether you need help with pest identification or pest control, Preventive Pest Control is ready now. Make the call.