Arizona Law Details Protocol for Bed Bug Infestations

When it comes to helping your friend move, you may want to think twice before accepting that freebie couch, mattress or love seat. The free furniture may come with some unwanted hitchhikers: bed bugs. Bed bugs (and their eggs) can live on these items, as well as clothing and other upholstered items, and will happily become permanent roommates with you unless … Read More

Getting Rid of Those Rodents in Albuquerque

Albuquerque has great weather for people, but it also has great weather for pests. Although your best bet is to partner with a pest company that prevents pests from entering your home in the first place, you can still get rid of pests once they show up. Here are just a few tips that you can put into action right … Read More

Do Mosquito Repellent Clothes Really Work?

It’s no coincidence that mosquito-repellent clothing lines are taking center stage today. As images of babies born infected with Zika spread around the world, pregnant women are adjusting their lifestyles to limit their exposure to mosquitoes. Whether you live near a Zika transmission zone or just worry that your hometown will soon become the next official zone, you’re focus is … Read More

Spiders of New Mexico

New Mexico plays host to several well-known spider species that become more active in August and September when the males begin to wander in search of mates. Not content to remain outside, they often enter homes to hunt, find water and mate. Living with spiders has the benefit of reducing the insect population but it comes with the risk of … Read More

Know Your Ants: Longhorn Crazy Ant

The longhorned crazy ant, also known as the black crazy ant, is an invasive pest across much of the United States and may be the most widespread of any ant species in the world. Living in dispersed colonies and extremely adaptable, the longhorned crazy ant has been known to survive on ships, the tops of sky scrapers and in large … Read More

Protecting School Children From the Zika Virus

Protecting Our Children from the Zika virus at Home and at School It’s back-to-school time here in the Houston area and parents face a new concern besides sports injuries and lost homework. The Zika virus, which has gained attention for the threat it represents to unborn children, has been officially confirmed in Houston, TX. Families have expressed concern about how … Read More

What to Do if You See a Scorpion in Your Home

Scorpions are common pests in the southern United States. These pests prefer desert climates and hide in cool, dark spaces during the daytime. Attics, basements and crawl spaces are popular scorpion habitats, and they stay so well hidden that it is often hard to detect a scorpion infestation before it becomes a serious problem. Knowing how scorpions behave will help … Read More

Steps to Prevent Ants

Although ants have a reputation for ruining picnics, they aren’t all bad.  In fact, they play an important role in maintaining the ecology by dispersing seeds and aerating soil.  In some cultures, they are even considered a food source. While some ants are relatively harmless, their sheer numbers make them less than perfect housemates for humans. At last count, there … Read More

Does Clothing Choice Help In Reducing The Chance Of Zika Virus?

Recently, the news has been bombarded with stories about the Zika virus and the detrimental effects it has to newborns born to someone with an infection. During warm, humid weather, mosquitoes tend to be high in number, making those who frequent the outdoors prone to being bitten. The clothing one wears can actually have beneficial properties in keeping mosquito bites at … Read More

Know Your Ants: Liometopum Occidentale Ants

Liometopum Occidentale ants are more commonly referred to as velvety tree ants, named aptly for their velvety abdomen and their penchant for nesting in trees. These ants have been known to nest in oak, pine, cottonwood, and sycamore trees. In addition to trees, Liometopum Occidentale ants also build nests inside stumps or under large rocks. The colony, which can consist … Read More