Does Clothing Choice Help In Reducing The Chance Of Zika Virus?

Zika Virus

Recently, the news has been bombarded with stories about the Zika virus and the detrimental effects it has to newborns born to someone with an infection. During warm, humid weather, mosquitoes tend to be high in number, making those who frequent the outdoors prone to being bitten. The clothing one wears can actually have beneficial properties in keeping mosquito bites at bay, decreasing the chances of contracting the Zika virus as a result. Here are some options one can try to minimize the risk of falling victim of this condition.

Using The Power Of Permethrin To Repel Mosquitoes

Recently, a few clothing lines invented pieces that include the powerful insecticide Permethrin within the fibers. This insecticide has been proven to help keep mosquitoes away successfully, helping to reduce the chances of infectious bites. Permethrin can also be purchased online and applied to clothing by the wearer themselves. This insecticide can be sprayed directly to the fibers, helping to keep mosquitoes from penetrating the wearer through the fabric. Pre-treated clothing will give protection for several washings, but since it is a non-permanent measure, care should be taken of the clothing to minimize the need for excessive laundering.

Covering The Skin With Conventional Clothing

Untreated clothing can still offer protection against mosquito bites. It is recommended to cover any exposed skin for an optimal barrier against potential Zika carrying mosquitoes. In the summer time, this may not be the most comfortable way to be outdoors, so light colored clothing would be the best option in protecting the skin without the person becoming overheated. It is best to wear loose clothing as it is more difficult for a mosquito to get a direct pathway to the skin over tighter clothing. It is also more comfortable for the wearer in higher temperatures. Sporting goods stores sell clothing that keeps the body cool in warm weather. These pieces are made from a thicker material, making them a good choice for mosquito control.

Coincide Clothing Choice With Other Insect Repelling Measures

When mosquitoes are abundant, the clothing selection one wears will be helpful in keeping bug bites from occurring, but there is still a risk to the hands, face, head and any other exposed areas. Using a bug repellent with DEET is the best way to keep all insects from becoming a nuisances. Using this insect deterrent along with careful clothing selection will decrease the chance of being bit tremendously. Trying to avoid areas where mosquitoes are prevalent, such as by standing water or excessive foliage, will be helpful as well.

If you have seen signs of mosquito infestation, contact Preventive Pest Control. We offer fast, effective and affordable Albuquerque mosquito control. Call (505) 792-8380 today!