Utah is a diverse landscape and home to many varieties of bugs and other insects. Many common Utah bugs are benign, but some may pose serious health hazards. One such example is the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick, which is an arachnid. This creature passes on Lyme disease. So what other bugs lurk in Utah? Let’s explore!
Utah’s Predatory Insects and Invertebrates
There are many absolutely amazing predatory creatures in Utah. One is the robber fly, which is a large fly with a stiletto-type mouthpiece called a stylet. They are hairy flies with long dangling legs. They fly around and grasp other insects in midair with those long legs while they stab their stylet into them and begin feeding. The robber fly is large enough to take down big bees, and small dragonflies.
Spiders are another common predator in Utah and this is a place with both the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse. Both of these spiders can inflict medical grade venom and cause serious wounds. In addition, Utah is home to some amazing wolf spiders which sometimes come indoors while looking for a mate.
Perhaps the most amazing predator in Utah is the family of predatory wasps known as spider hunters. The mud daubers and pompilid wasp are actually two separate families of wasp, but both prey on spiders. The black and blue mud dauber is prey specific and she willingly does battle with black widow spiders. The bigger pompilids hunt and battle with spiders as large as a tarantula. Seriously, wasps that hunt spiders and win. If that freaks you out, consider calling the Sandy pest control experts at Preventive Pest Control for a home inspection.
Looking for a Pest Control Company in Sandy, Utah?
Preventive Pest Control helps deal with insects, bugs, and pests of all sizes, including large mammals. There are a few other insects in Utah that may amaze you. One of those is the blister beetle. These little unassuming beetles wage chemical warfare. If you pick them up they may shoot a caustic stream of chemicals out of their hind ends which can cause massive blisters when it comes into contact with human skin.
Good pest management is one of the keys to keeping dangerous insects out of your yard and out of your home or business. Preventive Pest Control is one of the best pest companies in Sandy.
While many insects cause no harm and are not dangerous, many others pose medical concerns such as those that transfer diseases such as Lyme disease, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever. A comprehensive approach to Utah pest control helps both homes and businesses deal with pest control issues and as a proactive approach to preventing future infestations.
If you need a home pest expert just call Preventive Pest Control and our experts can help explain your options for quality, residential pest control.
If you are a business and you’d like to discover the options available to help prevent pest infestations or to deal with an infestation that is in progress, we can help too. Give our experts a call and discover your options for comprehensive pest management. Get a free quote today!