Bees and Wasps
- Honeybee: The honeybee is generally not considered a pest and is generally not aggressive unless the hive is directly threatened. Local bee keepers may be called upon to remove a honeybee hive and rehouse them in a hive box.
- Africanized Honeybee: Africanized honeybees on the other hand are extremely aggressive and can be lethal if not dealt with carefully. Similar in appearance to European bees, Africanized, or killer bees, make their presence known through their relentless attacks.
- Leaf Cutter Bee: Leaf cutter bees use their powerful mandibles to cut and carry small leaf fragments back to build their nests.
- Paper Wasp: Known for building large, papery nests around homes, the paper wasp feeds on nectar and fruits.
- Tarantula Hawk: The tarantula hawk is neither a tarantula nor hawk but instead a large predatory wasp with one of the most painful stings in the animal kingdom.
- Yellow Jacket: A type of hornet that feeds on nectar and fruits, yellow jackets can be a painful nuisance at picnics.
Flies and Mosquitos
Black Fly: A small, blood sucking fly that can transmit waterfowl malaria and can significantly impact bird populations- Black Horse Fly: A very large and full-bodied fly with large eyes that is often found drinking the blood of livestock. Will bite humans as well and if feeding in large enough quantities can significantly weaken animals.
- House Fly: Attracted to dung, food and garbage, the common house fly can carry diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, pinworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.
- Southern House Mosquito: One of many mosquito varieties, the southern house mosquito is found in Las Vegas and can transmit blood born diseases such as West Nile and Yellow Fever.
- Black Widow: Infamous for its sometimes deadly bite, the female black widow can be distinguished by the red hourglass marking on its black bulbous body. The bite carries a painful neuro-toxin that can be lethal for infants and the elderly.
- Brown Recluse: The large, brown spider is armed with a painful bite and creates a wound that can take months to heal.
- Earwigs are not poisonous but do bite and are equipped with powerful read pincers as well. They seek out dark places, shrubs and homes.
Ants and Termites
- Argentine Ant: Originally from Argentina, the Argentine ant has spread its global mega-colony across most of North and South America and Europe, pushing out other ant species. Invasive house pests, Argentina Ants can be difficult to eliminate without professional help.
- Carpenter Ant: Large and darkly colored, they feed on the wood structures of houses and can be a very costly pest.
- Fire Ant: The small red ants found throughout the Southern US are equipped with painful stings and often attack in large numbers.
- Harvester Ant: Loose nests can be found at the base of bushes. These red ants are very organized and their stings contain a venom that while less painful can affect the lymph nodes.
- Odorous House Ant: Attracted by sweet food, they can often be found in wall spaces or in floors and emit a coconut smell when crushed.
- Pavement Ant: Equipped with a stringer, they usually live in or around pavement cracks.
- Subterranean Termite: Building clay tunnels that range 100 yards from its underground colonies, a large colony can devour the wood structure of a house at the rate of 1 pound per day.
- Bark Scorpion: Often found hiding in dark corners, it is the most dangerous scorpion of the American South West and its sting can be lethal to small children and the elderly. If you suspect the presence of bark scorpions in or around your home, Preventive Pest Control can help. See our scorpion control page here: Scorpion Control.
- Desert Hairy Scorpion: Less lethal than the bark scorpion, but will sting if disturbed. The venom causes pain, numbness and swelling.
- Wind Scorpion/Camel Spider: The largest of the scorpions, wind scorpions are not venomous, but instead have a very powerful bite.
- Extremely resistant to pesticides, they can inhabit furniture, clothes, sheets and cracks in wall molding. Emerging at night to drink blood, they are attracted to the carbon dioxide of human breath. Disease transmission is possible, though not common.
- American Cockroach: Often transported into homes through grocery bags, they grow to between 1.5 to 2 inches in length and are capable of flight.
- German Cockroach: Smaller than the American cockroach, they are able to crawl on vertical surfaces thanks to adhesive pads and leave a foul odor in their wake. They are now a worldwide pest found mainly in human structures rather than outside.
- Insects with a long scaly body, they are attracted to all manners of starches found in the home and can also attack book bindings. Able to survive for months without food, they can be difficult to eradicate. They can be found in small cracks and around leaky water sources.
Mice and Rats
- House Mouse: Able to spread disease and destroy both furniture and electrical wiring with their chewing, they can grow to be significant residential and agricultural pests.
- Norway Rat: Also capable of carrying disease and starting fires through chewing electrical wiring and matches, Norway Rats are now found throughout the North America.
Las Vegas Pest Control
If any of the pests on the list have take up residence in your home or you’d simply like to make sure that they don’t, then don’t hesitate to contact Preventive Pest Control today. We offer safe and reliable Las Vegas residential pest control. For businesses, we also provide fast and cost-effective commercial pest control solutions.