Preventive Pest Control

Common Winter Pests in Utah

Utah Winter Pest Control

When the temperatures drop and even before the snow begins to fall, critters begin looking for a warm place to stay during the winter. Unfortunately, this location is oftentimes in your home. So which nuisances are trying to invade your space to beat the winter chill?


The cold really slows down ants. That’s why they tend to hibernate during the winter months underground or in trees. However, if they find warmth in your home, you might find yourself with an infestation of ants trying to survive the frigid weather. With a smaller population of ants, an insecticide is effective, but with large populations, this isn’t the case. You may need to hire an exterminator to rid the problem if the ants are marching in a quantity that exceeds two by two.


The only places where termites are active all-year long is in Florida and other hot places. They tend to want to hide deep in the soil when it’s cold outside. Survival is possible indoors in your home since subterranean and drywood termites are more able to brave the slight cold that your walls and foundation retain because it’s not enough cold to keep them away. A boric acid trap will lure them in and kill them. In large quantities, this isn’t effective enough, though, and a professional is needed.

Mice and Rats

These warm-blooded rodents want to take your food and heat. They can chew through a variety of materials, so it’s easy for them to access your home. They can destroy wood and other structures in your house. Not to mention, they breed rapidly, so it’s easy to get infested quickly. This is even true during winter since some mice mate throughout the entire year. Baited traps and poison work best to get rid of these creatures, but for more serious rodent problems, these winter pests in Utah may require an exterminator to successfully remove all of them.


Spiders are by far the most common problem in Utah homes in winter, and other than sealing all cracks in your home, there aren’t many steps you can take for preventative pest control for arachnids.  Spiders string messy webs everywhere, and some of them bite and are poisonous.

All of these problems are treatable, so don’t panic and just call an exterminator for Utah winter pest control. These winter pests can be stopped using Utah pest control in some cases, but sometimes, it can’t be prevented, and the problem requires a professional to eliminate the issue.


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