The Benefits of Hiring Pest Control Professionals
Pests may seem like just a nuisance, but some can cause serious health effects and structural damage to homes and businesses. If you’re experiencing some unwanted guests, there are many reasons why you should probably get an exterminator involved.
Proper Pest Identification
Exterminators are trained to determine exactly which species has invaded your home or business. Some pests that look the same to the average person can have wildly different treatment strategies — what may work for a species that looks similar may actually make an infestation worse.
As an example, pharaoh ants are a common household nuisance that look very similar to other ants. However, attempting to control them with pesticide sprays —which can work for look-alikes — is a recipe for disaster. These ants scatter when stressed, “budding” into multiple colonies that spread throughout the building.
Effective Pest Control Strategies
Many times, DIY pest control is a waste of time and money at best and at worst can exacerbate the problem. Professional exterminators know which methods are effective for a wide variety of different problems.
A blast from the past, bed bugs have again become a frequent unwelcomed guest, especially in major cities like Albuquerque. It’s a common myth that these infestations are impossible to get rid of, but that’s only because they require diligent, highly specialized treatments. Exterminators with bed bug experience are often the only way to make sure they’re gone for good.
Wider Range of Tools
Professionals have a greater variety of methods at their disposal — and they know how to use them! Not all insecticides are the same; over-the-counter chemicals often don’t cut it. Plus, many chemicals available to the consumer are broad-spectrum toxins that are harmful or even deadly to humans and pets.
In contrast, many effective pest treatments are completely safe for anything but their target. Pest control specialists will pick the best treatment with the least potential for collateral damage.
Future Infestations Prevented
Extensive experience means that pest control professionals know how to find where pests are coming from and make sure they don’t return. They can help determine any repairs or changes that need to be made to your home or business to keep it pest free in the future.
Finding the Right Exterminator for You
As the largest privately held pest control company in New Mexico, we at Preventive Pest Control know the ins and outs of local pests. To find out more about our services, feel free to contact us today! We provide reliable and cost-effective New Mexico pest control.