Spiders in New Mexico are far more helpful to humans than they are hazardous. The benefits we get from having these creatures in our yards and gardens far outweigh any health hazards they can pose to humans. And on that note, spiders really do not like to disturb people. They are actually very skittish beings. If one is crawling on you, it likely wants to get off just as much as you want it to be off. It’s best to just gently flick it to the ground.
Good Spiders in New Mexico
There are hundreds of species of spiders in New Mexico. Many of the spiders in this southwestern state are completely harmless. Here are just a few of the common spiders found in New Mexico that shouldn’t give you any reason to worry.

Cellar Spider
Cellar Spider
This long-legged spider may be the one that’s been spinning those webs in your basement and around your house. It’s a good spider because it’s been known to trap and consume the black widow spider, which can be harmful.
Wolf Spider
The wolf spider may look intimidating because it can grow very large. It’s a good spider, however, in that it helps get rid of flies and crickets.
Pillbug Spider
This scary-looking spider is quite harmless and sneaks into homes through sliding glass doors or other entrances on the ground-level. They especially like moist places.
Benefits of Spiders
You may not like the way they look. But if you can get past that, leave these little creatures alone and your garden and yard will reap the benefits.
Spiders eat insects
Probably the greatest benefit of spiders is that they will devour as many insects as they can capture. The insect population in your garden and yard decreases as they eat beetles, moths, flies, mosquitoes, wasps, and other insects.
Another benefit from the reduction of those pesky bugs is that your chance of being stung or bitten while out in the yard is reduced. Plants benefit too from the reduction of insects, since they serve as the food source for bugs.
Spiders reduce the need for pesticides in your garden
Since spiders are getting rid of many of the pesky insects in your garden, you don’t need to use as many pesticides there. For those who are into organic gardening and don’t like to to use chemicals, this is a an exceptional benefit of having those eight legged creatures running around. It’s also nice for those who have vegetable gardens. Introducing fewer chemicals into a vegetable garden means a lower chance of ingesting chemicals.
There are good spiders and there are bad spiders in New Mexico. If you see dangerous spiders in or around your property, get in touch with a New Mexico spider exterminator. Call (505) 792-8380 now!