Preventive Pest Control

Why These 6 Common Pests Love Houston, Texas

Houston Pests

Since Houston, Texas is the largest city in the southern US, expect to find annoying pests that may even ruin your summer. Termites, cockroaches, ants, and the likes prefer to stay in mild, tropical climate that Houston provides. Here are some of the most common pests that you will share your summer days with:



People are naturally disgusted with cockroaches and Houston is the home to thirty species of cockroaches. These cockroaches can even become a bigger problem for homeowners because they tend to live where there is moist and will hide in garbage as it is the perfect breeding ground for them.



The heat and high humidity in Texas presents an advantage to spiders because they can effectively prosper. Two of the most common species of spiders found in Houston are the black widow and the brown recluse. These spiders can be found indoors and outdoors and can pose a threat when bitten. Although not all spiders are venomous, it is important to properly identify the spider found in your home, and avoid getting bitten by them.



Termites are mostly present all year round. A termite infested home can create damage, any time, regardless of the year and weather. However, subterranean termites usually swarm during the spring and summer while drywood termites swarm during the late summer or fall.



There are so many types of ants in Houston, carpenter ants, fire ants, and now, crazy ants are on the rise. Although ants are beneficial insects since they play an important role in the soil aeration needed to produce healthy crops and recycling of dead organic materials seeing them indoors can be a real headache.


Fleas and Ticks

Summer is the perfect time for fleas and ticks to multiply and just enjoy sucking the blood out of your pet. They can potentially cause serious health problems to individuals they have contacted. Ticks in particular, can transmit different diseases that are known dangerous to people and pets.


Bed bugs

Bed bugs are one of the most common pests in Houston and their population is just growing and growing. These blood suckers are a huge problem in apartment complexes, dormitories, hotels, and homes. Bed bugs are difficult to kill because they can live for months even without blood. And, even if they have been sprayed, it will still take a week or more before they die.


What You Can Do to Eliminate Pests

Hate sharing your home with these nasty pests? Call Preventive Pest Control today! For more information, visit Houston Pest Control.

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